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Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods

Our curriculum, consisting of fashion and styling courses, takes a broad approach to the dynamic field of fashion styling education to guarantee that students gain a comprehensive grasp of the discipline while refining their abilities in state-of-the-art styling methods and technologies. By combining traditional teaching techniques with practical learning opportunities, students gain the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the ever-changing fashion industry successfully. 

It is highly important students learn about the dynamic of trends, the influence of culture, and the intricacies of past luxury collections to truly understand the styling fundamentals. After reviewing and analyzing case studies, the classroom methodology is centered around studio-based learning, where students work on industry-based projects while mastering the digital tools. Students hone their style skills and learn about the relationship between technology and artistry in the context of fashion styling through hands-on workshops and interactive studio sessions.

The courses in fashion styling within this program allow students to gain opportunities for experiential learning outside of the classroom, such as field trips and industry engagements, which offer priceless insights into business operations and new trends. Students are kept up to date on the most recent advancements in fashion styling through guest lecturers and industry partnerships, which guarantees that they will always be at the forefront of industry needs.

Aside from emphasizing individualized instruction and coaching, our program also takes into account the particular difficulties that each student may face as they pursue their degree. Through small group projects or individual counseling, students receive specialized support to expand their knowledge and develop their creative potential.

Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete our one-year fashion styling vocational program will graduate with a broad skill set and a grasp of the fashion styling industry. To produce professional fashion visuals, they will become proficient in a variety of fashion styling skills, such as outfit coordination, accessorizing, garment selection, fashion photography, and advanced digital communication techniques. Students will also gain a deep understanding of consumer behavior, industry dynamics, and current fashion trends, which will help them predict and adjust to changing market demands. Students will hone their visual communication and presentation abilities through practical exercises and hands-on projects. They will be able to successfully explain styling concepts through digital presentations, mood boards, branding proposals, styling proposals, and more. 

Upon studying the Fashion Styling program at Istituto Marangoni, you’ll receive a Vocational Program diploma, a testament to your accomplishment and dedication in the field. Beyond the classroom, the Fashion Styling One-Year Program offers a gateway to invaluable networking opportunities, fostering connections with peers and industry professionals in the continuing education journey within the fashion industry. This opens doors to collaborative projects and initiatives, providing firsthand experience in partnership with acclaimed brands. With a curriculum meticulously organized into four levels, spanning 11 weeks each, you have the flexibility to tailor your learning journey to match your progress, achievements, and knowledge acquisition. To ensure an intimate and personalized experience, class sizes are intentionally limited to a maximum of 15 students, cultivating an environment of engagement and support where you can thrive and master the intricate art of fashion styling.

Industry Engagement
Industry Engagement

Our fashion styling program is widely acknowledged as an innovator in the industry. It provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the constantly changing fashion landscape. Collaborations and practical learning opportunities enable students to acquire valuable insights and real-world training. This holistic approach ensures that our graduates are thoroughly prepared and ready to excel in their careers as fashion stylists. 

Our program’s main component is experiential learning with leading magazines and luxury brands, which gives students an excellent opportunity to display their talent and creativity. Students are exposed to the thrills and difficulties of the business through everything from editorial photo shoots with prestigious magazines like OceanDrive Magazine, Vogue Magazine, and Regia Magazine to runway styling for recognizable brands like Chanel, Hugo Boss, and different Fashion Weeks.

Students also explore the field of visual merchandising, working with luxury houses to design captivating visual displays that strengthen brand identity and draw in customers. Students’ styling abilities are honed by this practical experience, which also gives them a thorough awareness of customer behavior and the retail industry. 

These industry projects allow students to understand the relationship between their unique creativity and the brief they must follow when working with established brands with a strong DNA. As to this, industry engagement at Istituto Marangoni Miami is pivotal for the professional growth of all our students.

Facilities and Resources
Facilities and Resources

Our seven-story campus at Istituto Marangoni Miami is located in the center of the luxurious Design District. Our campus is divided into levels that are carefully designed to meet the various needs of our students while creating a setting that encourages learning, creativity, and teamwork. To support each student’s educational path, our facilities provide many tools for those enrolled in our One-Year Fashion Styling Vocational Program. Students can develop their styling ideas with the tools necessary for their field of study, including professional cameras, a professional photoshoot studio, and specialized theory classrooms for academic education. Under the supervision of knowledgeable staff members, students can experiment with styling methods, fabric manipulation, and garment creation in our atelier, which offers a useful workplace.

Our computer laboratories also offer industry-standard software like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign, which are necessary tools for digital design and visual communication. In addition, students in the fashion styling program have access to an extensive online and physical library filled with study materials, fashion magazines, and important references. Our library offers a wealth of resources for students looking to enhance their academic and professional skills, whether they are researching fashion trends or finding style inspiration.

How To Apply
How To Apply

If you want to join a fashion styling school, Istituto Marangoni Miami has an up-to-date and innovative One-Year Fashion Styling program that is perfect for those who want to jump into this new yet rich industry. To enroll as a student in the fashion styling one-year program at Istituto Marangoni Miami, complete and submit your application by the deadline of the course start date you’d prefer – January, April, July, or October.

To begin your application process, navigate to the Registration page and select the option that aligns with your desired program of study. If you are enthusiastic about enrolling in our One Year Vocational Program, please choose ‘One-Year Vocational Programs’ from the menu. Our flagship offering encompasses all four progressive levels for a year. Alternatively, suppose you’re interested in a shorter approach and wish to complete a single level. In that case, you can opt for the ’11-Week Level’ and potentially seek to complete the One Year Vocational Program.  We’re dedicated to providing flexibility in your educational journey. Whether you’re pursuing the entire One Year Vocational Program or opting for a shorter level, our application process is designed to cater to your individual goals and aspirations.

Once completed, a detailed email will be sent with instructions on how to proceed with your registration, document submission, and visa application, if applicable. International students will have further assistance throughout their visa solicitation process with our Designated School Official (DSO). Once your registration has been completed, you will be provided with instructions about housing options, orientation, and more.

Visual Storytelling

Gain expertise in magazine photo shoots, creative direction and work as image consultants as students understand the discipline of crafting captivating fashion narratives. Discover how to create breathtaking visual narratives that captivate audiences and speak to the ever-changing fashion industry.

Fashion Photography

Students plan, coordinate, and carry out editorial photo shoots using a fashion team and props. They can create professional visuals with specific assignment briefs that cover the fundamentals of fashion photography mastery. Each assignment covers mood board, creative direction, production, and editing, allowing students to learn all the factors that entail making a professional editorial.

Proficiency in Digital Media

Gain expertise in communicating about fashion through digital media platforms like blogs, websites, and social media. Investigate modern applications and new media settings to discover how to successfully use digital tools to tell fashion narratives in the current digital environment.

Program Highlight Styling 3
Brand Identity and Marketing Strategies

Explore the relationship between brand identification and marketing techniques in the fashion industry. Examine established brands to learn how they function and react to new ideas. Learn the importance of brand identification in today's fashion industry and how to create successful marketing campaigns.

Program Highlight Styling 4
Real-World Application

Gain ample opportunities for real-world application of skills through hands-on projects and industry collaborations. Apply learned concepts in practical settings, work collaboratively with industry professionals, and gain valuable experience to prepare for success in the fashion industry.


One-Year Vocational Program Certificate of Completion


Spring, Summer, Fall


12 months


Full-time | On Campus


Non-Credit Program


As a student at Istituto Marangoni Miami, you have access to a wide range of internships that are tailored to your field of study. Whatever your area of interest—interior design, styling, fashion business, or fashion design—our internships provide hands-on learning experiences that complement your coursework and set you up for career success.

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Industry Networking Sessions

At Istituto Marangoni Miami, building a professional network is essential to your success. Through our ‘In Conversation With’ series, we invite well-known personalities from the fashion and design sectors to share their expertise and provide invaluable guidance on attaining success. Additionally, our industry-expert instructors, events, volunteer opportunities, and brand partnerships make our networking sessions possible, allowing students to expand their professional networks and make meaningful connections within the business.

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Fashion Contests

At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we consider healthy competition and practical experience to be essential learning catalysts. Because of this, we provide our students with the thrilling chance to compete in fashion and design competitions. Students can create business suggestions, creative directions, or designs for partnering brands. These contests give students real-world industry difficulties to solve. Students who participate improve their professional portfolios, hone their talents and obtain insightful knowledge of the industry’s workings.

The Miami Fashion Movement

Known as the Miami Fashion Movement, students from Istituto Marangoni Miami steal the show during major fashion weeks throughout the Americas. Within the program, students can curate and present their own collections on runways across the globe, including Palm Springs, New York, Miami Swim Week, Panama, Costa Rica, Argentina, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic. Fashion Styling students can work as fashion coordinators and style advisors beyond the runway for the designs the students created to be runway ready. This all-encompassing experience teaches students about the intricacies of the fashion industry and concludes with the exhilarating moment of witnessing their creations on the runway.

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Cost and Fees Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4  Total One Year Program Cost
Tuition and Cost  $12,000 $10,000 $8,000 $8,000 $38,000
Campus Fee per Level  $250 $250 $250 $250 $1,000
Digital Resource Fees per Level $350 $350 $350 $350 $1,400
Graduation Fee  N/A N/A N/A $400 $400
Total Cost of Attendance  $12,600 $10,600 $8,600 $9,000 $40,800

At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we are aware that every student has a different financial condition. We provide a variety of payment options in light of this, depending on the specific program you are applying to. For additional information on the available payment methods for our programs, we strongly advise scheduling a meeting with one of our financial advisors. They will be pleased to assist you in selecting the best payment plan to meet your financial and educational goals. Below is a breakdown of Istituto Marangoni Miami’s cost for our Vocational Programs.

* For a comprehensive overview of our tuition, fees, and refund policy, kindly access and download our catalog for detailed information.
*For finance-related inquiries, please contact the Finance Department at finance@immiami.com.

Our One Year Vocational Program in Fashion Styling program is perfect for those with a keen eye for fashion and an interest in curating stunning visual narratives. Students will learn the art of creating compelling fashion stories through creative direction, image consulting, editorial photo shoots, apparel styling, dressing guidance, personal fashion advising, wardrobe selection,style consultancy, and trend forecasting. This program emphasizes the practical skills needed to excel in the dynamic field of fashion styling, from mastering styling fundamentals to acquiring skills in creative direction for luxury fashion brands and managing online media channels. The classes in this program are considered as fashion stylist training courses that allow them to be ready for the industry necessities. The One Year Vocational Program creates a hands-on learning adventure that helps you grow your skills step by step. You’ll move through four levels, each lasting 11 weeks, mastering new abilities along the way. Styling in fashion is a new yet ever-evolving program that allows students to enhance their creativity in the field and gain criteria to create professional visual narratives for the luxury fashion industry. 

The Fashion Styling courses in this program allow students to learn from the fundamentals and the traditional fashion styling techniques to more advanced digital skills necessary for their success in the industry. Below is a breakdown of the styling classes that are included in the program.

level 1
Number Course Title

The goal of this fashion styling course is for students to understand the art and craft of creating visually compelling storytelling using apparel, accessories, and creative techniques. Students explore the diverse fabric of fashion history, current trends, and cultural influences that mold the ever changing field of style. By utilizing a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application, students gain a deep comprehension of the diverse responsibilities and skills associated with being a professional fashion stylist.


Through the use of mood boards, examine the foundations of wardrobe interpretation while utilizing computer-aided design (CAD) and other visual communication and presentation abilities. Students learn how to transform abstract concepts and stylistic cues into unified visual representations in this course. Using mood boards, students may effectively communicate the essence and atmosphere of a wardrobe concept by carefully selecting and arranging photos, colors, textures, and typography.


The fashion course offers an exploration of the intersection between fashion, media, and critical analysis, equipping students with the skills to write compelling fashion-focused content for digital platforms.

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This fashion photography course provides a comprehensive study of the art and techniques involved in capturing stunning fashion images, emphasizing composition, lighting, and visual storytelling.

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Students will learn a comprehensive study of the interconnected components within the fashion industry, covering topics such as fashion production, design processes, marketing strategies, retail operations, consumer behavior, and the influences that shape the dynamic fashion ecosystem.

level 2
Number Course Title

This fashion styling course immerses students in the art and craft of styling, focusing on developing an eye for fashion aesthetics, understanding the role of trends, mastering the coordination of outfits, exploring editorial photo shoots, and gaining practical skills in creating captivating visual narratives.


Students get the necessary abilities in this engaging course to create visually appealing content that effectively conveys fashion concepts. These skills are based on graphic design principles and visual storytelling approaches. Students investigate the relationship between artistic expression and communication through practical exercises and hands-on projects. They gain knowledge about how to effectively communicate ideas and engage audiences by utilizing layout design, typography, color theory, and images.

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This social media in fashion course equips students with strategies to navigate social media platforms effectively, enabling them to build brand presence, engage with audiences, curate visually compelling content, and implement successful social media marketing campaigns.


Students delve into the art of photo blogging and lifestyle content creation, learning to curate visually stunning imagery, develop a personal brand aesthetic, and create engaging lifestyle narratives that resonate with audiences in the digital realm.

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Students gain a comprehensive understanding of the fashion industry’s landscape, including trends, market analysis, branding, and global business strategies, preparing them for successful careers in the field.

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Students explore the evolution of fashion and clothing throughout different time periods, studying cultural, social, and historical influences on dress and style. Students will learn the different styles throughout the decades while analyzing the trends, helping them with their trend forecasting class they will take later on.

level 3
Number Course Title

Students will analyze creative identity of brands in fashion, deep understanding of seasonal trends, self identity and aesthetic development, and participate in their shooting project relating editorial and advertorial campaigns.


Through Case Study analysis, students will refer to top fashion luxury brands to dive into their editorial practices like visual storytelling, creating a magazine identity, use of color, and more editorial guidelines.


Students learn advanced fashion photography techniques while adopting guidelines of the great fashion photography professionals. Students gain hands-on experience and create content in-house and outside photoshoots.


Students learn to develop and execute effective advertising campaigns within the fashion industry, mastering the art of crafting compelling visuals and persuasive messaging to strategically promote fashion brands and products.


Students explore the process of developing a strong and cohesive brand identity within the fashion industry, learning to define brand values, create distinctive brand elements, and craft brand messaging that resonates with target audiences


Students gain valuable knowledge and skills to analyze and interpret market trends, consumer behavior, and competitor analysis within the fashion industry.

level 4
Number Course Title

Analysis of Fashion Editorial style in commercial and independent magazines, to then jump into the semester project on beauty editorial photoshoots and visual communication on beauty brands. Students learn how to create the styling rules for a correctly coordinated editorial., Beauty editorials between creativity and product.

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Students learn the art of designing visually captivating and engaging editorial layouts for fashion publications, honing their skills in creating editorial designs that effectively communicate fashion narratives.


Students delve into the art and techniques of capturing stunning fashion images. They learn essential skills in composition, lighting, styling, and visual storytelling.


Students acquire advanced skills in digital image editing to enhance and refine fashion photographs, including skin retouching, color correction, composition adjustments, and other post-processing methods.


In this personal styling course, students cultivate the skills needed to offer tailored fashion advice and personalized styling services to clients. In the personal styling class, a combination of theoretical instruction and hands-on practical exercises, students learn to assess individual client preferences, body types, and lifestyle needs to curate customized wardrobe solutions.


Students learn about the world of behind-the-scenes fashion shoots and events. Through a hands-on approach, students explore the intricate process of producing and designing sets for fashion photography, runway shows, and promotional events in the fashion luxury sector.

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All faculty
Juanita Crary is an experienced fashion stylist and journalist skilled in photography production, advertising, writing, and PR graduated from Universidad de Los Andes. Her Colombian background provides international experience to students, adding to her importance at Istituto Marangoni Miami. As an influential and accomplished arts and creative professional, Juanita has had a history of working in the entertainment industry with top names such as Rolling Stones Magazine, Avessa Magazine, Anthropologie, Caracol TV, and with artists like Maluma and others. Teaching Areas: Fashion Styling I, Visual Research, Trend Forecasting and Editorial Creative Direction
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Juanita Crary
Fashion Styling Professor
Sarah Watson-Baik, a dynamic creative and educator from California, holds Fine Art and Commercial Photography degrees. She's an art, design, fashion, Korean culture, wellness, and sustainability expert. With a background in journalism, she covered the Britpop era and Japanese Harajuku fashion. She continued her education in London at Central St. Martins College and Goldsmiths College. With over a decade in Seoul, South Korea, she's a respected teacher, fashion stylist, professor, and social media influencer. Now based in Miami, she's a Professor of Fashion Styling at Istituto Marangoni Miami, passionately advocating for Korean and Southeast Asian fashion and culture. Teaching Areas: Fashion Campaign & Photography, Fashion Styling 2 and 3
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Sarah Watson-Baik
Fashion Styling Professor
Jorge Andres Castillo is a photographer, curator, and editor originally from Caracas, Venezuela. He has been teaching Fashion Photography at Istituto Marangoni Miami since 2018. Jorge has worked as a photo editor and curator for companies such as Fundación Empresas Polar Caracas, Doral Contemporary Art Museum (DORCAM), and Arts Connections Foundation in Miami. His experience includes his Master’s degree in Communication Design from the University of Essen, Germany, and 20 years of experience with photography. He is now the owner and director of Jacvisual LLC, where he helps brands create their visual communication. Teaching Areas: Photography- Editing and Retouching and Lifestyle Photography
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Jorge Castillo
Fashion Styling Professor
Karla was born in Mexico City, where she lived until she was ten. Later, she moved to Milan, Italy, with her mother, an opera singer at the time. In Milan, particularly while gazing at the shop windows along Via Monte Napoleone, her love for fashion began to blossom. Later, her mother transitioned into acting, and they relocated to Los Angeles, where Karla discovered the allure of Hollywood. Drawing from these formative experiences, Karla merged her passion for fashion and celebrity culture, becoming a highly skilled celebrity stylist. Karla's educational journey in fashion began at Istituto Degli Abiti in Mexico City, followed by advanced studies at Central Saint Martins in London, where she specialized in Fashion Styling, Fashion Design, and Art Direction. She also attended the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. Concurrently, Karla began experimenting with styling by revamping the wardrobes of her musician friends, a practice that soon solidified her career path. Over the next 25 years, Karla established herself as one of the most successful celebrity stylists in Mexico and beyond. She has styled renowned figures such as Thalia, Paulina Rubio, and even the former First Lady of Mexico. Now residing in Miami with her husband and two daughters, Karla shares her expertise as a professor of Fashion Styling at Istituto Marangoni Miami. Teaching Areas: Business of Styling and Fashion Styling 4
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Karla Guindi
Fashion Styling Professor
Sofía Agostini is an independent fashion journalist and an adjunct faculty professor at the Istituto Marangoni of Miami. She teaches Research Methods at the Master's level and Fashion Criticism & Digital Writing in the Introduction to Styling progressive course. She was part of the first cohort of Master's students to graduate from the school and is an active member of the Marangoni Miami community. Her dissertation, Where Have All the Tailors Gone?, was published in the fall 2021 issue of Fashion Studies Journal. Particularly interested in the history and growth of Latin American Fashion, Agostini has contributed several entries to the encyclopedia 'Raíces de la Moda' of Vogue México and written profiles on upcoming regional designers. She also collaborates for publications like Vanity Fair Spain and DNA Magazine. Teaching Areas: Fashion Writing and Research Methods 
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Sofia Agostini
Fashion Business Professor
Edson Smitter is a photographer and cinematographer with 15 years of experience in the field. His passion for visual storytelling and an unwavering commitment to excellence have made him a sought-after talent in the industry. With more than ten years dedicated to advertising photography and videography, Edson has become a master at capturing compelling images for various brands. His expertise spans multiple genres, including product photography, fashion photography, and advertising. A significant turning point in his career occurred when he relocated to Miami eight years ago. This move marked a transformative period where Edson’s skills flourished, and began collaborating with renowned artists and major brands. His Miami journey propelled his career to new heights, expanding his portfolio to encompass photography and videography. Teaching Areas: Fashion Photography, Videography, Advertising
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Edson Smitter
Fashion Styling Professor
Bradley teaches students how brands diversify their systems, increase accessibility, and define new audiences. He is an enthusiastic strategist for content interpretation, process integration, and solution implementation, focused on conversions with demand-generated growth. He is a full-stack web developer passionate about inclusive design and scalable web development that meets industry best practices and provides rich, engaging experiences for our students. Teaching Areas: Digital and Graphic and Web Design, Digital Marketing and E-Commerce
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Bradley Cummins
Fashion Business Professor
Cece Feinberg brings over 21 years of experience, from running her full-service boutique PR agency to the Marangoni Miami classroom. With a Bachelor of Science in Business from Cornell University, she specializes in national consumer media placement, brand building, and event management for clients in the fashion, art, and consumer goods industries. As the founder of Cece Feinberg PR, she excels in brand and product positioning, global media strategies, fashion show and event media management, editorial trafficking, new product launches, and re-launches of established brands. Her diverse clientele includes fashion brands (swimwear, lingerie, denim, etc.), accessories (shoes, bags, watches, jewelry), toy brands, trade shows, artists, galleries, museums, and retailers. Teaching Areas: Communication Strategies, Fashion Communication, Social Media Management, and History of Dress and Costume
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Cece Feinberg
Fashion Styling Professor
Michelle Rofe was born in Mexico but moved to Israel at a very early age. She was Israel national champion in gymnastics and participated and won several international competitions. Being a gymnast allowed her to travel the world and learn about different cultures. She always loved fashion and started her formal fashion education in San Antonio-Texas, graduating cum laude from the fashion management and design program. After her graduation, she worked in the fashion industry for over 20 years first for a catalog business and later for a fashion ready to wear company. In the last 12 years, she has been working as a professor teaching undergraduate and graduate students in the fashion and graphic design programs. Michelle Rofe has her master’s degree in graphic design from MIU. She believes that these two art disciplines complement each other in many ways. She also works as a co-producer and editor for a media production company. The concept of beauty and aesthetics are themes that she is passionate about and loves to share her ideas and experience and knowledge with others. “Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself.” Oscar de la Renta
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Michelle Rofe
Fashion Design and Master's Professor
Anabella Bergero, an internationally acclaimed Latin American fashion designer, artist, and coach, boasts a rich decade-long career. Her journey from Argentina to Copenhagen, London, New York, and Miami has enriched her creative palette with diverse cultural influences. She holds an MFA from the Fashion Institute of Technology, pursued postgraduate studies at Central Saint Martins, and completed her undergraduate education at the Universidad de Palermo and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Bergero's expertise lies in the fusion of fashion design and art, emphasizing innovative creative processes that explore gender, culture, and identity. Her career includes recognition as Harper's Bazaar Argentina's Emerging Designer of the Year, SUNY PACC Prize New York, and she recently earned a nomination for the Hispanic Heritage Award by the City of Miami Beach for her contributions to Miami Beach's Hispanic community, particularly for her installation project "Heart of Community" at the Faena Art Project Room. Teaching Areas: Contemporary Fashion Analysis, Digital Portfolio, History of Art and Visual Culture and Capstone Mentor
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Anabella Bergero
Fashion Design Professor
All faculty
Juanita Crary is an experienced fashion stylist and journalist skilled in photography production, advertising, writing, and PR graduated from Universidad de Los Andes. Her Colombian background provides international experience to students, adding to her importance at Istituto Marangoni Miami. As an influential and accomplished arts and creative professional, Juanita has had a history of working in the entertainment industry with top names such as Rolling Stones Magazine, Avessa Magazine, Anthropologie, Caracol TV, and with artists like Maluma and others. Teaching Areas: Fashion Styling I, Visual Research, Trend Forecasting and Editorial Creative Direction
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Juanita Crary
Fashion Styling Professor
Sarah Watson-Baik, a dynamic creative and educator from California, holds Fine Art and Commercial Photography degrees. She's an art, design, fashion, Korean culture, wellness, and sustainability expert. With a background in journalism, she covered the Britpop era and Japanese Harajuku fashion. She continued her education in London at Central St. Martins College and Goldsmiths College. With over a decade in Seoul, South Korea, she's a respected teacher, fashion stylist, professor, and social media influencer. Now based in Miami, she's a Professor of Fashion Styling at Istituto Marangoni Miami, passionately advocating for Korean and Southeast Asian fashion and culture. Teaching Areas: Fashion Campaign & Photography, Fashion Styling 2 and 3
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Sarah Watson-Baik
Fashion Styling Professor
Jorge Andres Castillo is a photographer, curator, and editor originally from Caracas, Venezuela. He has been teaching Fashion Photography at Istituto Marangoni Miami since 2018. Jorge has worked as a photo editor and curator for companies such as Fundación Empresas Polar Caracas, Doral Contemporary Art Museum (DORCAM), and Arts Connections Foundation in Miami. His experience includes his Master’s degree in Communication Design from the University of Essen, Germany, and 20 years of experience with photography. He is now the owner and director of Jacvisual LLC, where he helps brands create their visual communication. Teaching Areas: Photography- Editing and Retouching and Lifestyle Photography
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Jorge Castillo
Fashion Styling Professor
Karla was born in Mexico City, where she lived until she was ten. Later, she moved to Milan, Italy, with her mother, an opera singer at the time. In Milan, particularly while gazing at the shop windows along Via Monte Napoleone, her love for fashion began to blossom. Later, her mother transitioned into acting, and they relocated to Los Angeles, where Karla discovered the allure of Hollywood. Drawing from these formative experiences, Karla merged her passion for fashion and celebrity culture, becoming a highly skilled celebrity stylist. Karla's educational journey in fashion began at Istituto Degli Abiti in Mexico City, followed by advanced studies at Central Saint Martins in London, where she specialized in Fashion Styling, Fashion Design, and Art Direction. She also attended the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. Concurrently, Karla began experimenting with styling by revamping the wardrobes of her musician friends, a practice that soon solidified her career path. Over the next 25 years, Karla established herself as one of the most successful celebrity stylists in Mexico and beyond. She has styled renowned figures such as Thalia, Paulina Rubio, and even the former First Lady of Mexico. Now residing in Miami with her husband and two daughters, Karla shares her expertise as a professor of Fashion Styling at Istituto Marangoni Miami. Teaching Areas: Business of Styling and Fashion Styling 4
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Karla Guindi
Fashion Styling Professor
Sofía Agostini is an independent fashion journalist and an adjunct faculty professor at the Istituto Marangoni of Miami. She teaches Research Methods at the Master's level and Fashion Criticism & Digital Writing in the Introduction to Styling progressive course. She was part of the first cohort of Master's students to graduate from the school and is an active member of the Marangoni Miami community. Her dissertation, Where Have All the Tailors Gone?, was published in the fall 2021 issue of Fashion Studies Journal. Particularly interested in the history and growth of Latin American Fashion, Agostini has contributed several entries to the encyclopedia 'Raíces de la Moda' of Vogue México and written profiles on upcoming regional designers. She also collaborates for publications like Vanity Fair Spain and DNA Magazine. Teaching Areas: Fashion Writing and Research Methods 
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Sofia Agostini
Fashion Business Professor
Edson Smitter is a photographer and cinematographer with 15 years of experience in the field. His passion for visual storytelling and an unwavering commitment to excellence have made him a sought-after talent in the industry. With more than ten years dedicated to advertising photography and videography, Edson has become a master at capturing compelling images for various brands. His expertise spans multiple genres, including product photography, fashion photography, and advertising. A significant turning point in his career occurred when he relocated to Miami eight years ago. This move marked a transformative period where Edson’s skills flourished, and began collaborating with renowned artists and major brands. His Miami journey propelled his career to new heights, expanding his portfolio to encompass photography and videography. Teaching Areas: Fashion Photography, Videography, Advertising
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Edson Smitter
Fashion Styling Professor
Bradley teaches students how brands diversify their systems, increase accessibility, and define new audiences. He is an enthusiastic strategist for content interpretation, process integration, and solution implementation, focused on conversions with demand-generated growth. He is a full-stack web developer passionate about inclusive design and scalable web development that meets industry best practices and provides rich, engaging experiences for our students. Teaching Areas: Digital and Graphic and Web Design, Digital Marketing and E-Commerce
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Bradley Cummins
Fashion Business Professor
Cece Feinberg brings over 21 years of experience, from running her full-service boutique PR agency to the Marangoni Miami classroom. With a Bachelor of Science in Business from Cornell University, she specializes in national consumer media placement, brand building, and event management for clients in the fashion, art, and consumer goods industries. As the founder of Cece Feinberg PR, she excels in brand and product positioning, global media strategies, fashion show and event media management, editorial trafficking, new product launches, and re-launches of established brands. Her diverse clientele includes fashion brands (swimwear, lingerie, denim, etc.), accessories (shoes, bags, watches, jewelry), toy brands, trade shows, artists, galleries, museums, and retailers. Teaching Areas: Communication Strategies, Fashion Communication, Social Media Management, and History of Dress and Costume
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Cece Feinberg
Fashion Styling Professor
Michelle Rofe was born in Mexico but moved to Israel at a very early age. She was Israel national champion in gymnastics and participated and won several international competitions. Being a gymnast allowed her to travel the world and learn about different cultures. She always loved fashion and started her formal fashion education in San Antonio-Texas, graduating cum laude from the fashion management and design program. After her graduation, she worked in the fashion industry for over 20 years first for a catalog business and later for a fashion ready to wear company. In the last 12 years, she has been working as a professor teaching undergraduate and graduate students in the fashion and graphic design programs. Michelle Rofe has her master’s degree in graphic design from MIU. She believes that these two art disciplines complement each other in many ways. She also works as a co-producer and editor for a media production company. The concept of beauty and aesthetics are themes that she is passionate about and loves to share her ideas and experience and knowledge with others. “Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself.” Oscar de la Renta
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Michelle Rofe
Fashion Design and Master's Professor
Anabella Bergero, an internationally acclaimed Latin American fashion designer, artist, and coach, boasts a rich decade-long career. Her journey from Argentina to Copenhagen, London, New York, and Miami has enriched her creative palette with diverse cultural influences. She holds an MFA from the Fashion Institute of Technology, pursued postgraduate studies at Central Saint Martins, and completed her undergraduate education at the Universidad de Palermo and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Bergero's expertise lies in the fusion of fashion design and art, emphasizing innovative creative processes that explore gender, culture, and identity. Her career includes recognition as Harper's Bazaar Argentina's Emerging Designer of the Year, SUNY PACC Prize New York, and she recently earned a nomination for the Hispanic Heritage Award by the City of Miami Beach for her contributions to Miami Beach's Hispanic community, particularly for her installation project "Heart of Community" at the Faena Art Project Room. Teaching Areas: Contemporary Fashion Analysis, Digital Portfolio, History of Art and Visual Culture and Capstone Mentor
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Anabella Bergero
Fashion Design Professor
All faculty
Juanita Crary is an experienced fashion stylist and journalist skilled in photography production, advertising, writing, and PR graduated from Universidad de Los Andes. Her Colombian background provides international experience to students, adding to her importance at Istituto Marangoni Miami. As an influential and accomplished arts and creative professional, Juanita has had a history of working in the entertainment industry with top names such as Rolling Stones Magazine, Avessa Magazine, Anthropologie, Caracol TV, and with artists like Maluma and others. Teaching Areas: Fashion Styling I, Visual Research, Trend Forecasting and Editorial Creative Direction
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Juanita Crary
Fashion Styling Professor
Sarah Watson-Baik, a dynamic creative and educator from California, holds Fine Art and Commercial Photography degrees. She's an art, design, fashion, Korean culture, wellness, and sustainability expert. With a background in journalism, she covered the Britpop era and Japanese Harajuku fashion. She continued her education in London at Central St. Martins College and Goldsmiths College. With over a decade in Seoul, South Korea, she's a respected teacher, fashion stylist, professor, and social media influencer. Now based in Miami, she's a Professor of Fashion Styling at Istituto Marangoni Miami, passionately advocating for Korean and Southeast Asian fashion and culture. Teaching Areas: Fashion Campaign & Photography, Fashion Styling 2 and 3
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Sarah Watson-Baik
Fashion Styling Professor
Jorge Andres Castillo is a photographer, curator, and editor originally from Caracas, Venezuela. He has been teaching Fashion Photography at Istituto Marangoni Miami since 2018. Jorge has worked as a photo editor and curator for companies such as Fundación Empresas Polar Caracas, Doral Contemporary Art Museum (DORCAM), and Arts Connections Foundation in Miami. His experience includes his Master’s degree in Communication Design from the University of Essen, Germany, and 20 years of experience with photography. He is now the owner and director of Jacvisual LLC, where he helps brands create their visual communication. Teaching Areas: Photography- Editing and Retouching and Lifestyle Photography
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Jorge Castillo
Fashion Styling Professor
Karla was born in Mexico City, where she lived until she was ten. Later, she moved to Milan, Italy, with her mother, an opera singer at the time. In Milan, particularly while gazing at the shop windows along Via Monte Napoleone, her love for fashion began to blossom. Later, her mother transitioned into acting, and they relocated to Los Angeles, where Karla discovered the allure of Hollywood. Drawing from these formative experiences, Karla merged her passion for fashion and celebrity culture, becoming a highly skilled celebrity stylist. Karla's educational journey in fashion began at Istituto Degli Abiti in Mexico City, followed by advanced studies at Central Saint Martins in London, where she specialized in Fashion Styling, Fashion Design, and Art Direction. She also attended the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. Concurrently, Karla began experimenting with styling by revamping the wardrobes of her musician friends, a practice that soon solidified her career path. Over the next 25 years, Karla established herself as one of the most successful celebrity stylists in Mexico and beyond. She has styled renowned figures such as Thalia, Paulina Rubio, and even the former First Lady of Mexico. Now residing in Miami with her husband and two daughters, Karla shares her expertise as a professor of Fashion Styling at Istituto Marangoni Miami. Teaching Areas: Business of Styling and Fashion Styling 4
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Karla Guindi
Fashion Styling Professor
Sofía Agostini is an independent fashion journalist and an adjunct faculty professor at the Istituto Marangoni of Miami. She teaches Research Methods at the Master's level and Fashion Criticism & Digital Writing in the Introduction to Styling progressive course. She was part of the first cohort of Master's students to graduate from the school and is an active member of the Marangoni Miami community. Her dissertation, Where Have All the Tailors Gone?, was published in the fall 2021 issue of Fashion Studies Journal. Particularly interested in the history and growth of Latin American Fashion, Agostini has contributed several entries to the encyclopedia 'Raíces de la Moda' of Vogue México and written profiles on upcoming regional designers. She also collaborates for publications like Vanity Fair Spain and DNA Magazine. Teaching Areas: Fashion Writing and Research Methods 
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Sofia Agostini
Fashion Business Professor
Edson Smitter is a photographer and cinematographer with 15 years of experience in the field. His passion for visual storytelling and an unwavering commitment to excellence have made him a sought-after talent in the industry. With more than ten years dedicated to advertising photography and videography, Edson has become a master at capturing compelling images for various brands. His expertise spans multiple genres, including product photography, fashion photography, and advertising. A significant turning point in his career occurred when he relocated to Miami eight years ago. This move marked a transformative period where Edson’s skills flourished, and began collaborating with renowned artists and major brands. His Miami journey propelled his career to new heights, expanding his portfolio to encompass photography and videography. Teaching Areas: Fashion Photography, Videography, Advertising
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Edson Smitter
Fashion Styling Professor
Bradley teaches students how brands diversify their systems, increase accessibility, and define new audiences. He is an enthusiastic strategist for content interpretation, process integration, and solution implementation, focused on conversions with demand-generated growth. He is a full-stack web developer passionate about inclusive design and scalable web development that meets industry best practices and provides rich, engaging experiences for our students. Teaching Areas: Digital and Graphic and Web Design, Digital Marketing and E-Commerce
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Bradley Cummins
Fashion Business Professor
Cece Feinberg brings over 21 years of experience, from running her full-service boutique PR agency to the Marangoni Miami classroom. With a Bachelor of Science in Business from Cornell University, she specializes in national consumer media placement, brand building, and event management for clients in the fashion, art, and consumer goods industries. As the founder of Cece Feinberg PR, she excels in brand and product positioning, global media strategies, fashion show and event media management, editorial trafficking, new product launches, and re-launches of established brands. Her diverse clientele includes fashion brands (swimwear, lingerie, denim, etc.), accessories (shoes, bags, watches, jewelry), toy brands, trade shows, artists, galleries, museums, and retailers. Teaching Areas: Communication Strategies, Fashion Communication, Social Media Management, and History of Dress and Costume
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Cece Feinberg
Fashion Styling Professor
Michelle Rofe was born in Mexico but moved to Israel at a very early age. She was Israel national champion in gymnastics and participated and won several international competitions. Being a gymnast allowed her to travel the world and learn about different cultures. She always loved fashion and started her formal fashion education in San Antonio-Texas, graduating cum laude from the fashion management and design program. After her graduation, she worked in the fashion industry for over 20 years first for a catalog business and later for a fashion ready to wear company. In the last 12 years, she has been working as a professor teaching undergraduate and graduate students in the fashion and graphic design programs. Michelle Rofe has her master’s degree in graphic design from MIU. She believes that these two art disciplines complement each other in many ways. She also works as a co-producer and editor for a media production company. The concept of beauty and aesthetics are themes that she is passionate about and loves to share her ideas and experience and knowledge with others. “Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself.” Oscar de la Renta
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Michelle Rofe
Fashion Design and Master's Professor
Anabella Bergero, an internationally acclaimed Latin American fashion designer, artist, and coach, boasts a rich decade-long career. Her journey from Argentina to Copenhagen, London, New York, and Miami has enriched her creative palette with diverse cultural influences. She holds an MFA from the Fashion Institute of Technology, pursued postgraduate studies at Central Saint Martins, and completed her undergraduate education at the Universidad de Palermo and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Bergero's expertise lies in the fusion of fashion design and art, emphasizing innovative creative processes that explore gender, culture, and identity. Her career includes recognition as Harper's Bazaar Argentina's Emerging Designer of the Year, SUNY PACC Prize New York, and she recently earned a nomination for the Hispanic Heritage Award by the City of Miami Beach for her contributions to Miami Beach's Hispanic community, particularly for her installation project "Heart of Community" at the Faena Art Project Room. Teaching Areas: Contemporary Fashion Analysis, Digital Portfolio, History of Art and Visual Culture and Capstone Mentor
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Anabella Bergero
Fashion Design Professor

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

Fashion Stylist

Curate outfits for brands or individuals by applying the fashion styling fundamentals learned in class. This program allows students to understand the trend dynamics, dressing for a specific body and adhering to correct color analysis through the wardrobe selection, making them prepared for this specific job.

Editorial Stylist

Work along with fashion magazines, newspapers, or websites to style clothes and models for fashion spreads, cover features, and editorial photo shoots.

Personal Shopper

Provide customers with individualized shopping experiences by assisting them in selecting apparel, accessories, and ensembles that complement their unique preferences, body types, and lifestyle requirements.

Brand Stylist

Collaborate with fashion brands, retailers, or e-commerce platforms to style products for marketing campaigns, lookbooks, catalogs, or online product listings, ensuring that the brand’s image and aesthetic are effectively communicated.

Fashion Consultant

Offer knowledgeable counsel and direction to people, businesses, or organizations looking to better their personal or professional style on fashion trends, styling methods, wardrobe management, or image enhancement.

Creative Director

In order to ensure consistent branding and creative narrative, lead creative teams and supervise the artistic direction and visual identity of fashion businesses, periodicals, advertising campaigns, or digital media platforms.

Social Media Management

Create and execute social media strategies that help fashion businesses, influencers, or agencies expand and interact with their online following on Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), TikTok, and Pinterest. To raise brand recognition and encourage user participation, produce engaging content, oversee posting schedules, evaluate performance indicators, and encourage community involvement.

Digital Marketing Strategist

Using online platforms including email marketing, display advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and affiliate marketing, plan and carry out digital marketing campaigns for fashion brands or retailers. Create strategic plans to improve brand awareness, increase website traffic, and produce leads or sales with focused digital marketing campaigns.

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Fashion Stylist

Curate outfits for brands or individuals by applying the fashion styling fundamentals learned in class. This program allows students to understand the trend dynamics, dressing for a specific body and adhering to correct color analysis through the wardrobe selection, making them prepared for this specific job.

Editorial Stylist

Work along with fashion magazines, newspapers, or websites to style clothes and models for fashion spreads, cover features, and editorial photo shoots.

Personal Shopper

Provide customers with individualized shopping experiences by assisting them in selecting apparel, accessories, and ensembles that complement their unique preferences, body types, and lifestyle requirements.

Brand Stylist

Collaborate with fashion brands, retailers, or e-commerce platforms to style products for marketing campaigns, lookbooks, catalogs, or online product listings, ensuring that the brand’s image and aesthetic are effectively communicated.

Fashion Consultant

Offer knowledgeable counsel and direction to people, businesses, or organizations looking to better their personal or professional style on fashion trends, styling methods, wardrobe management, or image enhancement.

Creative Director

In order to ensure consistent branding and creative narrative, lead creative teams and supervise the artistic direction and visual identity of fashion businesses, periodicals, advertising campaigns, or digital media platforms.

Social Media Management

Create and execute social media strategies that help fashion businesses, influencers, or agencies expand and interact with their online following on Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), TikTok, and Pinterest. To raise brand recognition and encourage user participation, produce engaging content, oversee posting schedules, evaluate performance indicators, and encourage community involvement.

Digital Marketing Strategist

Using online platforms including email marketing, display advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and affiliate marketing, plan and carry out digital marketing campaigns for fashion brands or retailers. Create strategic plans to improve brand awareness, increase website traffic, and produce leads or sales with focused digital marketing campaigns.

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The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

The fashion stylists classes in this program prepare students to undertake a variety of fields within the industry. As the program covers expertise from styling to digital communication, and beyond, students will be capable of having a realm of opportunities when searching for a fashion job. These stylists courses were created with the demands of industry in mind, allowing students to attain the necessities of the current market and become a promoter for a better fashion future. At Istituto Marangoni Miami, we help students be prepared for the industry upon graduation. With our career services team, students are able to enhance their professional profile through resume building, mock interviews, and job placement assistance.

request info
What is Fashion Styling?
Fashion styling is the driving force of visual communication that allows to determine an individual’s or brand’s visual aesthetic. This may be delivered through wardrobe selection, or through creative direction for an editorial. Fashion stylists master trend forecasting, wardrobe coordination, color theory, visual storytelling, and styling fundamentals to ensure a professional outcome when creating the visual communication.
What career opportunities are offered in this program?
Graduates of our program can pursue various career paths including fashion styling for editorials, celebrities, brands, or events. Other opportunities include personal shopping, brand consulting, wardrobe styling for film/TV, fashion show coordination, and digital media roles such as social media management or digital marketing.
Is prior experience in fashion necessary to enroll in the program?
No prior experience is required to study the Fashion Styling One-Year Vocational Program.
How can I apply to the One-Year Vocational Program in Fashion Styling?
To apply for the One-Year Vocational Program in Fashion Styling, the first step is to fill out your Online Application. After doing so, you will receive an email with more information regarding your registration for the program: documents to submit, housing information, and orientation details. We recommend scheduling an appointment with an admissions representative prior to your application to ensure a seamless enrollment process.
What are the eligibility criteria for enrolling in the program?
For the One-Year Vocational Program, the eligibility criteria is the following: 18 years or above or a high school graduate, valid ID, updated resume, English Test (if applicable).
How much is the Fashion Styling Vocational Program at Istituto Marangoni Miami?
The One-Year Vocational Program has a total cost of $40,800 USD. The 11-Week Level Courses have a total cost of $12,600 USD.
How long is the Fashion Styling program?
TheOne-Year Vocational Program in Fashion Styling has a duration of one year. If you wish to apply to a shorter program, we offer the 11-week level courses that are part of the One-Year Program.
3704 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33137
Weekdays 9 AM - 5 PM

Outside of office hours we currently offer appointments virtually. Please click on the link below and schedules an appointment with our team through the Calendly system.

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