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The Local Surfer Brand that Speaks to Today’s Trends

Author by: Arianna Jimenez, Fashion Writing Student

LoganTay, a jewelry brand founded by Logan Poos in Palm Beach, Florida, lives between two worlds. Poos has an immense love for the ocean and an incredible passion for surfing and for the city of New York as well. So she created a brand that not only speaks to surfer and ocean lovers but also to city girls with her unique and trendy pieces.

To some, the ocean is a scary vacuum, with sea monsters still, a larger-than-life mass that we will never fully understand. To others, it is a magnet, a force of nature, beauty without measures, and a mother. Both are accurate, yet you either find yourself in one team or the other, like loving or hating Miami’s tackiness, or the smell of a gas station. Logan Poos is on the second team. “The ocean is my safe place, [it] brings me peace and it allows my mind to be at rest,” she said while standing behind the counter of her Palm Beach little shop. At the same time, it is where she feels the most creative, she finds endless inspiration while thinking or being at the ocean.

Logan has a huge love and passion for surfing too, it is another source of inspiration for her. “I love everything about it, I love being in the water, it is addicting and the passion runs so deep for it,” she said, and her eyes were suddenly elsewhere. The sea, perhaps… Poos learned how to surf because of her brother who was born in Hawaii, and this culture was something of her everyday life. She used to go every year to the North Shore in Hawaii to surf with one of her good friends who was a big wave surfer. There, she found these sea glass bangles that she fell in love with, she explained that “after collecting a bunch of sea glass and shells at the beach, I started to make jewelry pieces with them,” and this is how her path to creating a brand started.

Brand Beginnings

In 2017, Logan opened her business in Palm Beach, Florida as a hobby With time, it became a very recognizable brand, especially in Palm Beach and within the surf community. According to Chloe Kosco, Logan’s former assistant, “Logan Tay is a fun, beachy type of jewelry-wear that is meant to be worn at the beach or just on a daily basis and it is definitely full of bright colors and happy vibes.” When designing her pieces, Logan gets inspiration mainly from the ocean but also from her travels, nature in general and just looking into different corners wherever she goes.

In the early days, this was a solo project. Poos learned to be independent from a very young age after her parents’ divorce. “I worked full time and any money that I had after paying all my bills, I used to put towards my business.”

Logan describes herself as a goal-getter. One of her goals when starting her business was to work with Anthropologie, and in 2023 she achieved it. Her goals are constantly changing as her business grows; she wants to keep collaborating and working with her favorite brand but also “to give back more, to make a difference in the world through my business.” Logan tries to keep her goals balanced in the sense that yes, it is important for her brand to work with big companies but it is important for her to also be kind and help others with her business.

The Inspiration Behind The Brand

Poos moved to New York City a couple of years ago, and it was there that her inspiration evolved from just being a beach girl who loved the ocean to also getting inspired by a big city. She realized that she wanted to create something not just for ocean lovers but also for fashionistas, she says: “I feel blessed that I was able to shift into more to that city girl as I want everyone to wear LT not just the beach girl”. Logan Tay jewelry brand in fact is the perfect mix between a fashion girly and beach girly. It speaks to nowadays trends such as charm and chunky necklaces and bold jewelry while never forgetting to add a touch of her two cities, Palm Beach and New York.

“A Logan Tay customer is someone that loves the beach vibe but is not afraid to add a little bit of fashion and cool jewelry to their daily life outfits,” says Kosco the former assistant. While adding that new side of a city and fashion inspired to LT, the brand’s connection with the ocean remains the same

“This was never just about making jewelry,” Poos explains. “But about cultivating a community and bringing our love for fashion and the ocean together.” Faith and God are huge components of the values of the brand and of Logan Poos herself. “My faith is a big part of my life and my business, I feel like God is my muse in a way.”

An Eye on Logan Tay

Logan Tay is definitely a local brand to look at, especially if you want to wear something that was made with happiness and love, and of course to add something unique to your jewelry collection. It does not matter if you are a surfer/beach girly or if you are more of a city/fashion girly, LT has a resilient founder with a dream to help others and nurture a community to share her passions with, from fashion to surfing.

Logan Tay’s fusion of ocean and city influences in her jewelry reflects a broader theme seen among many who have honed their skills at Istituto Marangoni Miami. While the curriculum doesn’t focus specifically on jewelry design, the foundational skills, and creative thinking nurtured in the classroom prepare students to excel in diverse fields. Poos’s success serves as inspiration for how the versatile education from Istituto Marangoni Miami can empower individuals to innovate and thrive in any area they choose.

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