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Brand Customer Birthday Marketing Strategy: A Personal Journey

Author by: Nathalie Tessier, Fashion Business Program Leader

As a fashion business and marketing professor at Istituto Marangoni Miami, I view all interactions with clients or students as valuable chances to connect. I experienced a range of birthday marketing tactics on my birthday, providing both emotional and insightful responses.

The day began with warm wishes from friends, family, and colleagues, followed by messages from brands like H&M offering a 25% discount, which, though appreciated, felt like a push to make a purchase.

“Happy Birthday, Nathalie! Our customers have become like family to us.” My beauty salon’s personal email felt underwhelming without a tangible display of affection, highlighting the power of genuine gestures over discounts. Gucci’s interactive email surprised and delighted me with a personalized GIF experience, demonstrating a strong connection without the pressure to buy.




However, a text from an unknown number—seemingly a doctor’s office I had a negative experience with—served as a reminder of the importance of using client data wisely. On the other hand, a message from my optician successfully combined a birthday wish with a gentle nudge towards making a necessary purchase. “We just want to let you know we are thinking about you on your special day.” I am also thinking about them as I need to renew my glasses.

Google’s birthday balloons on my Gmail page offered a lighthearted moment, reflecting the value of creating personal experiences without expecting transactions. The absence of more birthday marketing gestures during my lunch break stood out as a missed opportunity for brands to engage.

Reflecting on The Celebratory Lessons

How my birthday is used in different marketing strategies demonstrates the intricate skill of personalizing experiences. The main lesson for companies is the crucial need for an accurate and comprehensive customer database. Engaging with customers on a personal level, without aggressively promoting sales, can cultivate stronger loyalty and deeper connections.

In the fashion industry and marketing, where every interaction matters, it’s important to recognize that sincere and considerate actions often have the most enduring impact. It’s not just about making a birthday; it’s about honoring the person and their distinct bond with your brand.


Written by Nathalie Tessier, Fashion Business Program Leader

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